Monday, February 2, 2009

Light Reading

Because I suffer from OCLRRD (Obsessive Compulsive Living Room Rearranging Disorder), I decided to move a couple bookcases around and subsequently ended up rearranging some books.

I asked Jack what he'd like to take with him when he went down for his nap thinking he would want some loud toy or something. Nope, not this time - he wanted a book. Fair enough. I told him to pick out a book.

I'm not even kidding. He was clamoring for this book. I think it was the rainbow. I bet he's reading 'The Man Who Loved Corsets' right now...


Tori C. said...

Ha ha ha ha!

Start To Finish Supplies said...

How funny! Was it good sleeping material for him??

Carol said...

You know what, he slept awesome! I think I'm going to add it to his little bookshelf next to his bed.