But in order to make it seem all official and stuff, we thought we'd better set some ground rules. (This part is especially difficult since we don't really want to commit to anything, y'know? We don't want to miss some promised draw date and have you sending your lawyers after us.)
Once a week, probably on the Monday or Tuesday (But maybe the Wednesday or Sunday. Never a Friday. Except in emergencies.) we will open up our facebook page and look at the little box that shows our fans. Whoever happens to be on the top of the list gets a card!
Easy, right?
We'll practice reverse-discrimination and if you happen to be someone we know or see at least twice a year, we won't send you a damned thing and we'll move on to the next person on the list. It sucks, we know, but we figure our friendship should be reward enough. And you get cards from us anyways. It's called Christmas. (Except last year. Sorry, we were busy.)
No other rules.
Sound good?